Nutrition Calculator
Nutrition is single handedly one of the most crucial factor when
considering your goals. Your results are greatly influenced directly
by your diet and lifestyle, these account for almost 80% of the
final outcome. Provided is a calculator to help give you an idea of
what we recommend your daily macronutrients should consist of.
In just a few easy clicks you can get a general idea of what you
should be taking in to help you progress and bring you that much
closer to your goals. Please feel free to use and share this calculator
along side any calorie tracking app, we do highly recommend the
MyFitnessPal app, but any app will be great! For additional
assistance please check out our YouTube channel where we guide
you through the ins, the outs, and tips and tricks of how we use
MyFitnessPal! If you’d prefer to have all of this information as
well as a handy meal and grocery guide customly put together for
you in one easy package, then consider picking up one of our
tailor made Nutrition Guides that is carefully constructed and put
together speciffically for you!